2 (11-ounce) bags white chocolate chips
12 doughnut holes
Semisweet chocolate chips
Tube of red decorator frosting
To coat a dozen doughnut holes, melt the white chocolate chips over low heat (and k
eep the chocolate warm while you work). With a fork, spear each doughnut hole and submerge it in the melted chocolate to coat it, then gently tap off any excess.
Stick a semisweet chocolate
chip with its point cut off onto each doughnut hole, cut end first. Place the forks (handle side down) in a mug and allow the chocolate coating to harden.
Use a tube of red decorator frosting to add squiggly veins radiating out from the pupils.
Ghostwriter! This finger shaped pen will make a great party favor at your next Halloween party!
Disposable ballpoint pen
White Crayola Model Magic modeling material
Craft glue
Plastic fingernail
Nail polish
For each finger, cover a disposable ballpoint pen (cap removed) with a 1/4-inch layer of white Crayola Model Magic modeling material, leaving the tip of the pen exposed.
Sculpt the clay into a finger shape, forming thick bumps on one side for knuckles. Mark wrinkles and creases around the knuckles with a toothpick.
Next, use craft glue to attach a plastic fingernail near the pen’s tip, leaving room enough for the pen to write. Use the toothpick to create lines around the cuticle area and coat the nail with nail polish.
Allow the clay and the polish to dry completely before using the pen.
Courtesy of Disney Family fun:
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